CJ Hawks Basketball

Elite Basketball Teams

Monroe Sports Center is proud to host the Central Jersey Hawks Elite Basketball Organization. Since being founded in 1990, the CJ Hawks have won 3 National Championships, made 5 National Division 1 Final Fours, won 57 NJ State Championships and have hundreds of former players who have gone on to play NCAA basketball. The CJ Hawks are the most competitive basketball teams at Monroe Sports Center.  There are multiple CJ Hawks teams at each age group, tiered by level.

CJ Hawks Improvements will continue for Fall/Winter 2024-25 Season

  1. The top level team at each age group will be a CJ Hawks Select team.  The intention is for the CJ Hawks Select team at each age group to be a talented basketball team with quality coaches that will compete in several high level tournaments throughout the season, in addition to the Fall MJBL.  CJ Hawks Select Teams will practice twice a week in the Fall at consistent days and times throughout the season.
  2. The second level team at each age group will be a CJ Hawks Blue team.  CJ Hawks Blue teams will compete in several high level tournaments as well as the Fall  MJBL.  CJ Hawks Blue teams will also practice twice a week in the Fall  at consistent days and times throughout the season.
  3. All CJ Hawks Select and CJ Hawks Blue teams will have a MAXIMUM OF 10 PLAYERS PER TEAM.

Central Jersey Hawks General Information:

  • Try-outs are held twice a year: August & February
  • Tryouts in August for 2-8th graders are for teams that will play from September-March (Fall/Winter Season).  Tryouts in August for 9-12th grades are for teams that will play from Sept - Nov (Fall Season Only - done by the weekend before Thanksgiving)
  • Tryouts in February are for teams that will play from March-August (Spring/Summer Season)
  • Players selected at the tryouts in August will automatically have an option to continue on a CJ Hawks team in the Spring/Summer (players may be moved up or down, based on performance in the Fall/Winter)
  • All CJ Hawks teams will be coached by members of the MSC Coaching Staff - no parent coaches
  • All CJ Hawks teams will have their own website with their team roster, schedule, online payment option and other team notes
  • Parents will be asked to volunteer to do either the clock or the scorebook at MJBL games throughout the season
  • Any player not selected for any of the CJ Hawks teams at their age group will be guaranteed a spot on a MSC Hawks Developmental Basketball team at their age group.
  • Playing time for CJ Hawks players is not guaranteed. There is no minimum or maximum playing time requirement for any CJ Hawks team at any level at any age group. That being said, our coaches will do their best to get all players as much meaningful game experience as possible
  • We do not accept scheduling, teammate or coach requests for CJ Hawks teams. We pick the teams purely based on skill level and specific team needs, without any consideration for special requests. This is to ensure the integrity of the levels of the teams. However, a player may choose to move down a level to accommodate a scheduling conflict, teammate request or coach preference, assuming there is room on the team the player is looking to switch to. Players will not be moved up to accommodate any requests.
  • Spectators may have to pay admission fees at outside tournaments. Certain tournaments that are held at MSC will be run by outside organizations who charge admission fees. MSC has no control over this. Admission fees are NOT included in the team fee​​
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CJ Hawks Fall/Winter Season Information:

  • The Fall portion of the practice schedule and the Fall tournament schedule will be posted before the 2nd practice (which is when the first payment is due). The first couple of games of the Fall league will be posted in mid-September. The full Fall game schedule will be posted by late September/early October. The Winter portion of the practice schedule will be posted by mid-November.  The practice day and time may be different from the fall to the winter season.  The first couple of games of the Winter league will be posted by early December and the full Winter league schedule will be posted by early January.
  • All players selected for a CJ Hawks team for the Fall/Winter season will be guaranteed a spot on a Spring/Summer CJ Hawks team.​

CJ Hawks Teams Based out Of Monroe Sports Center

Boys teams will be tiered based on skill level. The top 8-10 players will be selected for the CJ Hawks Select team, the next 8-10 players at each age group will make the CJ Hawks Blue team and the next 8-12 will make the CJ Hawks Yellow team.

Girls teams will be tiered based on skill level. The top 8-12 players will be selected for the A team and the next 8-12 players at each age group will make the B team.

Fall/Winter 2024-25: Central Jersey Hawks Select (Grades 2-8):

  • Approximately 35 hours of practice, consisting of 1-2 practices per week throughout the entire season.
  • Approximately 30 games throughout the season (Winter MJBL games and tournament games)
  • 3-4 high level tournaments, including some tournaments at MSC and some tournaments outside MSC.  Player travel expenses are NOT included in the team fee.
  • Maximum 10 players per team on all CJ Hawks Select teams

Fall/Winter 2024-25: Central Jersey Hawks Blue (Grades 2-8):

  • Approximately 30 hours of practice, consisting of 1-2 practices per week throughout the entire season.
  • Approximately 30 games throughout the season (Winter MJBL games and tournament games)
  • 2-3 upper level tournaments, including some tournaments at MSC and some tournaments outside MSC.  Player travel expenses are NOT included in the team fee.
  • Maximum 10 players per team on all CJ Hawks Blue teams

Central Jersey Hawks Yellow & Orange (Grades 2-8):

  • Approximately 25 hours of practice, consisting of 1 practice per week all season.
  • Approximately 25 games throughout the season (Winter MJBL games and tournament games)
  • 2 tournaments at the appropriate level over the course of the season​​

Central Jersey Hawks High School (Grades 9-12):Fall Season ONLY.

  • Approximately 20 hours of practice, consisting of 2 practices per week all season from Sept - mid Nov.
  • Approximately 15 games throughout the season (Fall ONLY MJBL games and tournament games)
  • 2 tournaments at the appropriate level over the course of the season

Note About Admissions Fees

There will be no admissions fees at MJBL league games.  However, almost all youth basketball tournaments charge an admissions fee so parents and fans should expect to pay admission fees at tournaments.  CJ Hawks fans will be exempt from admissions fees at all tournaments run by MSC, but admissions fees will still apply at outside tournaments.

Central Jersey Hawks Fall/Winter 2024-25 Pricing:


CJ Hawks Select
(Grades 2-8)

CJ Hawks Blue
(Grades 2-8)

CJ Hawks Yellow & Orange
(Grades 2-8)
CJH High School

Full Payment 2nd Practice

$900 per player $825 per player $700 per player $500 per player

1st Payment by 2nd Practice,
2nd Payment by Oct 15

$925 per player $850 per player $725 per player  

1st Payment by 2nd Practice,
2nd Payment after Oct 15

$1,000 per player $925 per player $800 per player  

***Price does not include uniform.  CJ Hawks uniforms are $90 for reversible jersey and shorts.  Players that already have a CJ Hawks uniform do not have to purchase a new one.

CJ Hawks based Fall/Winter 2024-25 Coaches:

Age Group CJH Select CJH Blue CJH Yellow
2-3rd Grade      
4th Grade      
5th Grade      
6th Grade  


7th Grade      
8th Grade      
9th Grade      
10th Grade      
11th Grade

CJ Hawks Teams Based out of Central Jersey Basketball (formerly Kelvin's)

MSC has a NO REFUND/CREDIT POLICY. MSC is not responsible for providing makeups or issuing refunds or credits for teams, leagues, games, practices, camps, clinics, etc. missed as a result of an type of injury, illness, scheduling conflict, emergency, lack of playing time or any other event out of the control of MSC. If MSC cancels a program or is unable to place you on a team, you will receive a refund. This policy is to ensure fairness for all customers.

Each program and team is specifically designed for a certain number of players. By registering and paying for the team, you are locking in your spot. Once the team fills, other players will be turned away. Each team has a budget that is used to pay for the team's expenses (tournaments, leagues, coaches, gym time, etc.). Providing refunds/credits would cause a shortfall in the team budget.