form your own Team

Form Your Own Basketball Team

Managing a basketball team can be a difficult task.  MultiSports Kingdom would be happy to host your AAU team, travel team, etc and handle as much of the administration as you'd like.  You can become a part of the  Hawks or NJ Falcons organization or you can play under a different label.  When MSK manages your team you can focus on basketball, and MSK will handle as many of these administrative tasks as you'd like:

  • Scheduling practices and tournaments/games (can be at MSK or other locations)
  • Setting up the budget
  • Collecting money
  • Paying expenses
  • Designing and ordering uniforms
  • Getting a qualified non-parent coach (if desired)
  • Creating a team website with the roster, updated schedule and team notes
  • Notifying all players and parents of any schedule changes
  • Weekly email reminders of upcoming games and practices

​For more information, please call 732 792 9900 or email

Click Here for a printable version of our Independent Team Form